Asgaros Forum Integration
How to show Asgaros New Replies and New Topics show on Activity page like BBPres Integration?
1. Please install Asgaros Buddypress integration plugin here >> https://www.asgaros.de/support/topic/buddypress-integration-v0-1/
2. After integration plugin installed, please go to folder "wp-content/plugins" and create a file and name it with "bp-custom.php" And then put these snippet to the file and save
* Add Activity New Allowed Actions.
function yzc_add_show_everything_filter_actions( $actions ) {
$actions[] = 'asgaros-forum-post';
$actions[] = 'asgaros-forum-topic'; return $actions; } add_filter( 'yz_wall_show_everything_filter_actions', 'yzc_add_show_everything_filter_actions' ); /**
* Enable Activity Asgaros Posts Visibility.
function yz_enable_asgaros_activity_posts( $post_types ) {
$post_types['asgaros-forum-post'] = 'on';
$post_types['asgaros-forum-topic'] = 'on';
return $post_types;
} add_filter( 'yz_wall_post_types_visibility','yz_enable_asgaros_activity_posts' );
3. Save the file.